National Instruments NI-488.2 Benutzerhandbuch

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Chapter 7
NI-488.2 Programming Techniques
© National Instruments Corporation
return 0;
else  {
return RQS;
Writing Multithreaded Win32 NI-488.2 Applications
If you are writing a multithreaded NI-488.2 application and you plan to 
make all of your NI-488.2 calls from a single thread, you can safely 
continue to use the traditional NI-488.2 global variables (
). The NI-488.2 global variables are defined on a 
per-process basis, so each process accesses its own copy of the NI-488.2 
If you are writing a multithreaded NI-488.2 application and you plan to 
make NI-488.2 calls from more than a single thread, you cannot safely 
continue to use the traditional NI-488.2 global variables without some form 
of synchronization (for example, a semaphore). To understand why, refer to 
the following example.
Assume that a process has two separate threads that make NI-488.2 calls, 
thread #1 and thread #2. Just as thread #1 is about to examine one of the 
NI-488.2 globals, it gets preempted and thread #2 is allowed to run. 
Thread #2 proceeds to make several NI-488.2 calls that automatically 
update the NI-488.2 globals. Later, when thread #1 is allowed to run, the 
NI-488.2 global that it is ready to examine is no longer in a known state 
and its value is no longer reliable.
The previous example illustrates a well-known multithreading problem. 
It is unsafe to access process-global variables from multiple threads of 
execution. You can avoid this problem in two ways:
Use synchronization to protect access to process-global variables.
Do not use process-global variables.
If you choose to implement the synchronization solution, you must ensure 
that the code making NI-488.2 calls and examining the NI-488.2 globals 
modified by a NI-488.2 call is protected by a synchronization primitive. For 
example, each thread might acquire a semaphore before making a NI-488.2 
call and then release the semaphore after examining the NI-488.2 globals