Motorola GT10 Benutzerhandbuch

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Entering Configuration Settings from the GT30
When either of the above keys is touched, a confirmation message reading
 is displayed. To clear the data, touch the 
 key. When
 is displayed, the memory has been completely cleared.
[RETURN]To complete the settings and return to the previous screen, 
touch the [ESC] key.
[SRAM] initialization deletes the clock data and Hold PLC Device 
data backed up in the SRAM. Please be sure that you want to do
this before initializing the SRAM.
[FROM] initialization deletes the base screen data and the main unit 
configuration setting data (the main unit configuration setting data
returns to the default values) in the user memory (F–ROM) of the
main unit. Before initializing the F–ROM, always save screen data to
a floppy disk or another medium with GTWIN.
Test Mode: “Self–Diagnosis”
The self–diagnosis is run from the initial screen of the system menu. This is used to run
a hardware check of the memory, buzzers, and other elements of the GT30.
Touch SW & DIP SW
This runs an operation check of the touch switches and the DIP switches.
Backlight & Buzzer
This runs an operation check of the backlight and the buzzer.
This displays a pattern and runs an operation check of the display.
Touch the [+] and [–] keys to check changes in the contrast.
[RETURN]To exit the system menu and return to the normal operation 
mode, touch the [ESC] key.
Test Menu items
A dot [ 
 ] is displayed to the left of the key switch for items on the
Test Menu which have already been tested.