Lucent Technologies Definity Enterprise Communication Server 8.2 Benutzerhandbuch

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DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide  
Issue 1
April 2000
Screen reference 
RHNPA Table 
Field descriptions for page 1
Screen 177.
Remote Call Coverage Table 
The RHNPA Table defines route patterns for specific 3-digit codes, usually direct 
distance dialing (DDD) prefix numbers. 
Screen 178.
change coverage remote
01: ________________      16: ________________      31: ________________        
02: ________________      17: ________________      32: ________________        
03: ________________      18: ________________      33: ________________        
04: ________________      19: ________________      34: ________________        
05: ________________      20: ________________      35: ________________        
06: ________________      21: ________________      36: ________________        
07: ________________      22: ________________      37: ________________        
08: ________________      23: ________________      38: ________________        
09: ________________      24: ________________      39: ________________        
10: ________________      25: ________________      40: ________________        
11: ________________      26: ________________      41: ________________        
12: ________________      27: ________________      42: ________________        
13: ________________      28: ________________      43: ________________        
14: ________________      29: ________________      44: ________________        
15: _____________ 30: 
_____________ 45: 
change rhnpa table
 Page 1 of X
                        CODE:  x00 - x99
                              Pattern Choices
           1: ___   3: ___   5: ___   7: ___   9: ___   11: ___
           2: ___   4: ___   6: ___   8: ___  10: ___   12: ___
       Code-Pattern Choice Assignments (from 1 - 12 above)
00: 1__ 10: 1__ 20: 1__ 30: 1__ 40: 1__ 50: 1__ 60: 1__ 70: 1__ 80: 1__ 90: 1__
01: 1__ 11: 1__ 21: 1__ 31: 1__ 41: 1__ 51: 1__ 61: 1__ 71: 1__ 81: 1__ 91: 1__
02: 1__ 12: 1__ 22: 1__ 32: 1__ 42: 1__ 52: 1__ 62: 1__ 72: 1__ 82: 1__ 92: 1__
03: 1__ 13: 1__ 23: 1__ 33: 1__ 43: 1__ 53: 1__ 63: 1__ 73: 1__ 83: 1__ 93: 1__
04: 1__ 14: 1__ 24: 1__ 34: 1__ 44: 1__ 54: 1__ 64: 1__ 74: 1__ 84: 1__ 94: 1__
05: 1__ 15: 1__ 25: 1__ 35: 1__ 45: 1__ 55: 1__ 65: 1__ 75: 1__ 85: 1__ 95: 1__
06: 1__ 16: 1__ 26: 1__ 36: 1__ 46: 1__ 56: 1__ 66: 1__ 76: 1__ 86: 1__ 96: 1__
07: 1__ 17: 1__ 27: 1__ 37: 1__ 47: 1__ 57: 1__ 67: 1__ 77: 1__ 87: 1__ 97: 1__
08: 1__ 18: 1__ 28: 1__ 38: 1__ 48: 1__ 58: 1__ 68: 1__ 78: 1__ 88: 1__ 98: 1__
09: 1__ 19: 1__ 29: 1__ 39: 1__ 49: 1__ 59: 1__ 69: 1__ 79: 1__ 89: 1__ 99: 1__