American Dynamics MegaPower CPU ADMPCPU Benutzerhandbuch

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8200-0421-03, REV. G 
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APPENDIX H: Monitor Arming Methods 
The monitor arming code identifies the alarm display, 
queuing, and clearance methods for the monitors. 
Note: Refer to APPENDIX I: Monitor Arming 
 for a detailed explanation of each monitor 
arming code. 
Alarm Display Method 
The alarm display method specifies the way that 
alarm video is displayed on multiple armed monitors. 
Three different methods can be created: 
•  Single – The camera video associated with an 
alarm is displayed on one monitor specified to 
display it. Multiple alarms received for the same 
monitor are held in a queue for display in 
accordance with the queuing method. 
•  Block – The camera video associated with an 
alarm is displayed on the block of monitors 
specified to display it. The video for the first alarm 
received is placed on the first monitor in the block 
(the lowest numbered monitor). The video for the 
second alarm is placed on the second monitor 
and so forth through the last monitor of the block. 
When all monitors are displaying the alarms and 
no alarms have been cleared, subsequent alarms 
are held in queue for display in accordance with 
the queuing method. 
•  Dual – The camera video associated with an 
alarm is displayed on two monitors specified to 
display it. One monitor is defined as a Hold 
; the other monitor is defined as a 
Sequence monitor. The Hold monitor displays 
and holds the first alarm received (Hold Queuing). 
Subsequent alarms are queued for display on the 
Sequence monitor (Sequence Queuing). Once an 
alarm is cleared from the Hold monitor, the next 
alarm queued on the Sequence monitor moves to 
the Hold monitor. 
Alarm Queuing Method 
The alarm queuing method defines the way the 
armed monitor handles multiple alarms. An alarm 
contact must be associated with at least one camera 
and one monitor, and at least one monitor must be 
When an alarm is received, the system creates an 
alarm queue entry for every monitor or group of 
monitors associated to the alarm contact. If an alarm 
contact is not associated with at least one camera 
and one monitor, it is ignored. 
The two alarm queuing methods are Sequence and 
•  Sequence – The camera video associated with 
each queued alarm is displayed on the armed 
monitor in sequence with a programmed dwell 
time between each alarmed video until cleared by 
the system. The dwell time between each camera 
video display is programmable for each alarm 
contact number. 
•  Hold – The camera video associated with the first 
alarm received is displayed and held on the 
armed monitor. Subsequent alarms are held in a 
queue. After the first alarm held on the monitor is 
cleared, the next queued alarm is displayed and 
held on the armed monitor until cleared. All 
alarms are displayed in chronological order. 
Alarm Clearance Method 
The alarm clearance method defines the way an 
alarm is cleared (removed) from the system. Clearing 
an alarm returns armed monitors to their original 
Alarms are cleared using any of five methods: Instant 
Clear, Auto Clear, Manual Clear, Instant No Ack, and 
Auto No Ack.  
•  Instant Clear – This method clears the alarm 
automatically when the alarm condition returns to 
a non-alarming state. For example, a door alarm 
may activate when the door opens and return to a 
non-alarming state when the door closes. Instant 
Clear clears the alarm when the door closes. 
•  Auto Clear – This method clears the alarm 
automatically 20 seconds after the alarm 
condition returns to a non-alarming state. Using 
the example above, the alarm would activate 
when the door opens and return to a non-
alarming state 20 seconds after the door closes. 
This 20-second delay is intended to catch any 
momentary-type alarms. If the alarm contact 
returns to a non-alarming state and then alarms 
again—both within the 20 seconds—the alarm 
remains in the system without being cleared.