AASTRA 4223 Benutzerhandbuch

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Voice Mail Services
MD Evolution – Dialog 4223 Professional
This may consist of a fixed call forward on no-answer condition, on 
busy condition, or a call forward on no-answer and busy conditions 
that was defined by your system administrator. This is applied by 
default whenever you do not define a variable call forward for your 
calls. This is often the case when a facility uses as an integrated voice 
mail service, which – by default – receives your calls encountering a 
no-answer or busy condition.
You may also program the call forwarding to your mailbox yourself. 
This variable call forward takes precedence over a possible fixed 
call forwards.
It may also be managed on a case-by-case basis, for example 
– processing an immediate call forward when you are away from the 
office. It may also be pre-defined on your extension’s Call-Fwd key, 
in which case, simply pressing that key would activate or deactivate 
the variable call forward to your mailbox.
You may also use the call deflection service, directing calls to your 
mailbox. “Call-by-call” refers to directing a call to your mailbox that 
is presented to you, but that you would rather not answer.
The operating modes for these different services are identical to the 
other call forwarding services – see the “
Simply put, the recipient number for your call forward is the internal 
access number for your facility’s integrated voice mail system.
To identify the number to receive your call forward, no matter what 
it is:
Dial 884.
This is the usual access number for a system’s integrated voice 
mail system. If you need more information, contact your system 
Note: It is advisable to save this number on one of your 
extension’s line keys (see details to follow).
Greeting of Parties and Leaving of 
Messages in Your Voice Mailbox
Once a call forward to your mailbox has been programmed, parties 
directed to your mailbox will first receive a greeting message.
By default, the greeting message is: “Welcome in the called extension 
mailbox”. In the case where the call forward is on busy condition, it 
is preceded by the following system message: “The requested ex-
tension is busy”.