Black Box Appliance Trim Kit ET1000A Benutzerhandbuch

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Provisioning Basics
EncrypTight User Guide
Figure 28
Compare the ETEMS and appliance configurations
To compare and update configurations:
1 In the Appliance Manager, select an appliance in the Appliances view.
2 In  the  Tools menu, click Compare Config to Appliance to see a comparison of the ETEMS and 
appliance configurations. The items that differ are listed first. Click 
 to toggle between a display of 
all settings and only those that are different. Some configuration items contain too much information 
to display on a single line. To view complete information for a truncated item, highlight the item and 
click Details at the bottom of the window. 
3 Do one of the following:
To copy configuration settings from the appliance to ETEMS, select the items to copy and click 
. The status changes to 
  to indicate that the configuration items are synchronized. 
To copy the ETEMS configuration to an appliance, select the appliance and click Tools > Put 
4 Click OK to save the updated ETEMS configuration. 
Related topic:
Filtering Appliances Based on Address
To limit the number of appliances that are displayed in the Appliances view, you can filter them based on 
management IP addresses. This allows you to focus on appliances in a particular network segment. 
To apply a filter to the appliances in the Appliances view:
1 In the Appliances view, click the filter button in the upper right corner 
2 In the Filter Appliances window, enter the filter criteria and then click OK. Only the appliances that 
match the filtering criteria are displayed. 
When entering a filter pattern, use an asterisk to filter on any string, and a question mark to filter on 
any character. You can enter a list of filter expressions, separating each with a comma.