BEA WebLogic Server 7 Benutzerhandbuch

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Upgrading the WebLogic 6.0 Service Pack 2 Examples Server to WebLogic Server 7.0
BEA WebLogic Server 7.0 Upgrade Guide
Start the Pet Store Application on WebLogic Server 7.0
To start the Pet Store application on WebLogic Server 7.0:
1. Open a new web browser window.
2. Go to http://localhost:7001/estore/index.html
3. Click Enter the Store.
Upgrading the WebLogic 6.0 Service Pack 2 
Examples Server to WebLogic Server 7.0
It is not necessary to upgrade the WebLogic 6.0 Examples Server to WebLogic Server 
7.0; this section just provides the steps to do so as an example of how to upgrade a 
server from 6.0 to 7.0. To upgrade the WebLogic 6.0 Examples Server domain 
configuration for use on WebLogic Server 7.0:
Install WebLogic Server 7.0
Note: Installing the new version in the exact location of the old version is 
explicitly prohibited by the installer.