VBrick Systems VB Directory System Benutzerhandbuch

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V B D I R E C T O R Y   U S E R S   G U I D E    
V E R S I O N   4 . 1  
C O P Y R I G H T   V B R I C K   S Y S T E M S  
P A G E   1 8  
J U N E   2 0 0 7  
VB4000-5000-6000 Settings 
The following VBrick settings affect interoperability between the VB4000-5000-6000 series 
appliance and VBDirectory.   
Host Name 
The Host Name is set in the 
Configuration:  Ethernet section of 
the Integrated Web Server (IWS) or 
in the corresponding Command Line 
(CLI) instructions.  Please refer to the 
VBrick Users Guide.     
Setting the Management SAP 
These parameters define information used in the SAPs emitted by the VBrick, which are 
received by the VBDirectory management tool and other VBrick applications. They are found 
in the Configuration:  Network – Management section of IWS or the corresponding 
Command Line (CLI) instructions.  Please refer to the VBrick Users Guide.     
Management SAP IP Address – 
The default address from which 
Management SAPs are obtained by 
VBDirectory is, port 
9876.  Sending SAPs from a VBrick 
to any address other than that, 
without changing the default 
VBDirectory configuration will make 
Management SAPs invisible to 
SAP Transmit enabled – SAP 
transmit must be enabled in the SAP 
option settings.     
Timeout -- The retransmit time set in 
the VBrick must be less than the 
SAP timeout value set in 
VBDirectory.  The VBDirectory default timeout value is set at 25 seconds. 
Group Name – This parameter defines the Group Name for this box.  It is included in the 
Management SAPs used by VBDirectory. It is an optional setting used for organizing VBricks 
into groups to simplify use of VBDirectory.