WordPress - 3.0 Betriebsanweisung

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• The use of he/him also refers to she/her and everything in between….
• You have a basic understanding of using websites, you know what a link is 
(a hyperlink), a button (something you click on), and so on. The Glossary 
at the end of this guide may help if you come across a term you don’t 
• We are going to use a dummy website to refer to, substitute it with your 
own. So, where you see “www.example.com” replace it with the name of 
your website, for example “www.something.com” or 
• Although you may not want to know why, it would be worth checking that 
you’re running that latest version of WordPress. At the time of writing, 
the latest version is 3.0.1  - you can check with the person who installed 
your website. That way this guide will match your website.
• The theme used throughout this guide, unless explicitly stated otherwise, 
will be the theme that ships with WordPress 3, i.e. TwentyTen.
• If you’ve installed WordPress, or someone else has for you, then it is 
installed at the “root” of the website. For example, the site is running 
from www.example.com and not www.example.com/myblog.
This is particularly important for when accessing, for example (and see 
later for a full explanation) www.example.com/wp-admin - if your site is 
installed in a sub-directory it would be www.example.com/myblog/wp-
admin instead.
WordPress 3 User Guide
Simon Goodchild  •  www.wpsymposium.com  • © Copyright 2011