Learning Resources LER 3035 Merkblatt

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Writer’s Block
The Writer’s Block is the perfect tool for your classroom when students
have writer’s block and don’t know what to write about. The engaging
design of the block gets students motivated to write! The prompts 
included will spark creativity and thinking when students have 
writer’s block!
The Writer’s Block comes ready to use. Place the block in an accessible
location so that students are easily able to see and use it. The block is
filled with 86 writing prompt cards with real-life images on the front and
prompting phrases or questions on the back. The card set also includes 
14 write-on/wipe-off blank cards so that you can create your own cards.  
Note: Use a wet-erase or dry-erase marker when writing on the cards to
ensure repeated use of the cards. Test your marker on a corner of one
card to ensure your marker does not leave a permanent mark. Use a
damp cloth when removing the wet-erase marker on the cards. Do not
saturate the cards with water as the card will warp.  
Most of these cards fall into the category of the 6 main questions: 
Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. The cards are color-coded by
content so that you and the students know what area they are writing
about. You can also put different content cards in the block depending
on what you want to focus on.
LER 3035