Garmin 340c Benutzerhandbuch

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Fishfinder 340C Owner’s Manual 
Messages and Alarms
The Fishfinder 340C uses an on-screen pop-up message system to alert you 
to unit operating characteristics. When a message appears, press ENTER to 
acknowledge the message and return to the page you were viewing.
Anchor drag Alarm—you have drifted out of the specified distance range.
battery Alarm—battery voltage has fallen below the value entered in the 
Battery Alarm setup.
battery Voltage Is Too high—too much input voltage; the unit shuts off in 
10 seconds. Decrease the input voltage to 33 volts or less.
boat Is Not moving Fast Enough to Calibrate—the boat is not moving fast 
enough for the speed wheel to provide a valid speed.
Can’t Read Voltages That high, limited to Top of Range—the voltage 
value in the Battery Alarm setup is higher than the unit can read.
Can’t Read Voltages That low, limited to bottom of Range—the voltage 
value in the Battery Alarm setup is lower than the voltage where the unit 
automatically turns off.
Can’t Send Waypoint—the unit cannot transmit the waypoint using the 
NMEA WPL sentence. Check the wiring.
deep Water Alarm—the Deep Water Alarm depth has been reached.
drift Alarm—the depth has changed by the amount of the Drift Alarm value.
Fish Alarm—an icon appears and a beep sounds (if enabled) when a fish is 
detected. This alarm does not show a message banner.
NmEA depth Is below Transducer—you must enter an appropriate Keel 
Offset for the transducer.
Shallow Water Alarm—the Shallow Water Alarm depth has been reached.
Simulating Operation—the unit is in Simulator mode. This message 
reappears after 2 minutes of inactivity. (If the unit does not detect a transducer 
attached, it automatically enters Simulator mode.)
Sonar Failed, Unit Needs Repair—there is an internal problem with the 
Fishfinder. Contact your dealer or Garmin Product Support to have the unit 
Timer Alarm—the Timer Alarm value has counted down to 00:00:00.
Transducer disconnected, Sonar Turned Off—there is not a transducer 
attached, bad cable/transducer, or the transducer cable was disconnected. 
If the transducer cable is removed while the unit is on, reconnect and cycle 
Water Speed Sensor Is Not Working—the speed sensor is not detected. 
Check the connections.
Water Temperature Alarm—the Water Temperature Alarm setting has 
reached a value above, below, inside, or outside of the specified values.