Lucent Technologies merlin messaging system Benutzerhandbuch

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Setting Up Windows HyperTerminal for A Local Session
HyperTerminal is the standard terminal emulator and serial communications program provided with the
Windows operating system. The following procedure describes how to set up a HyperTerminal icon that you
can use anytime you want to start a local session.
Click the Start button
Point to Programs, point to Accessories and then click HyperTerminal
Double-click Hypertrm
HyperTerminal starts in the New Connection mode. For information
about how to use HyperTerminal, click the Help menu in
On the New Connection window, type a name that describes the connection (for example,
MERLIN Messaging), then click OK.
On the Connect To window Connect Using field, select the appropriate COM port
on your PC used to connect to the MERLIN Messaging System, then click OK.
On the COM Properties window, select the following values, then click OK.
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: Hardware
An icon with the name you selected in Step 4 is created. You can then double-click
this icon to start a local session with the paramaters you entered. After you start the
local session, the Login prompt is shown on your screen. Enter the appropriate login
and password to start the session.
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Setting Up Windows HyperTerminal for A Local Session [2/2/2000 2:35:35 PM]