Cisco Systems Linksys PAP2 Benutzerhandbuch

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# The Phone Adapter1234.txt file above is equivalent to . . . 
Param1 “base value 1” ; 
Param2 “base value 2” ; 
. . . 
Param1 “new value overrides base” ; 
Param7 “particular value 7” ; 
. . . 
A sample plain-text file, containing default parameter-value and access settings for the PHONE 
ADAPTER can be obtained from the profile compiler tool, using the following command-line 
spc –-sample-profile defaults.txt 
In both the XML and SPC configuration formats,] Boolean parameter values that evaluate to true are 
any one of the values {Yes | yes | Enable | enable | 1}.  Boolean values that evaluate to false are any 
one of the values {No | no | Disable | disable | 0}. 
Using the Supplemental Profile Compiler 
Once a plain-text file has been generated with the desired parameter settings, it needs to be compiled 
into a binary CFG file.  The profile compiler can generate a generic unencrypted CFG file, a targeted  
CFG file (encrypted for a unique PHONE ADAPTER), a generic key encrypted CFG file, or a targeted 
and key encrypted CFG file. 
A generic CFG file (non-targeted) is accepted as valid by any PHONE ADAPTER device.  A targeted 
CFG file is only accepted as valid by the PHONE ADAPTER device bearing the target MAC address.  
Targeted CFG files are encrypted with a 128-bit algorithmically generated key, and therefore do not 
require a key to be issued explicitly.  Targeted CFG files provide a basic level of security for remotely 
locking an otherwise unprovisioned PHONE ADAPTER. 
The binary configuration format supports RC4 and AES symmetric key algorithms, with keys of up to 
256 bits.  The key can be specified explicitly as a hex-string, or it can be generated from a password 
or a quoted pass-phrase.  In the case of passwords and pass-phrases, the internally generated key is 
128 bits in length. 
The following command-line syntax generates a generic and unencrypted CFG file: 
spc pap2.txt pap2.cfg 
A targeted CFG file (with basic encryption) is specified by supplying the MAC address of the target 
spc –-target 000e08aaa010 pap2.txt pap2.cfg 
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