BenutzerhandbuchInhaltsverzeichnisChapter 1: Overview11.1 Introduction11.2 Packaging and Accessories11.3 Main Features11.5 Product Appearance and Interface Definition31.5.1 Front Panel31.5.2 Back Panel31.5.3 Setup Diagram41.6 Remote Controller41.7 Mouse5Chapter 2: Quick Installation62.1 HDD Installation62.2 Boot62.3 System Login62.4 Shortcut Menu72.4.1 Main menu72.4.2 Key Lock72.4.3 Channel Switch72.4.4 Video Search72.4.5 Start Sequence72.4.6 Start Cruise72.4.7 PTZ Control72.4.8 Mute82.4.9 Manual Recording /Stop Recording82.4.10 Zoom82.4.11 PIP10Chapter 3: Menu Settings103.1 Main Menu103.2 Recording Mode113.3 Video Search123.4 Backup133.5 Hard Disk Management143.6 Basic Setup143.6.1 System Language153.6.2 Time setup153.6.3 User Password163.6.4 Cameras163.6.5 Video / Audio173.7 : Advanced183.7.1 Alarm183.7.2 System Info193.7.3 Motion Detection203.7.4 Mobile Phone Monitoring213.7.5 System Maintenance213.7.6 Zoom223.7.7 Network Setup22Chapter 4: DVR Network244.1 Functional Characteristics244.2 Installation and Download of Controls244.3 IE Login244.4 Real-Time Preview254.5 Record Playback254.6 Recording Mode264.7 Alarm Setup274.8 PTZ Control274.9 Network Setup274.10 System Setup284.11Host Info28Appendix A: Android Setup29Appendix B: iOS Setup30Appendix C: FAQ31Größe: 1,9 MBSeiten: 39Language: EnglishHandbuch öffnen