D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering 2103-0100-12 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-12 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 62 Soldering MHHDS62-F-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-14 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering 2103-0100-02 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-02 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 62 Soldering MHHDS62-M-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-04 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Crimp MHDBC25SS-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC25SS-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 37 Crimp MHDBC37SS-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC37SS-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Crimp MHDBC25SP-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC25SP-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Crimp MHDBC09SP-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC09SP-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Crimp MHDBC15SS-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC15SS-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 37 Crimp MHDBC37SP-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC37SP-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Crimp MHDBC15SP-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC15SP-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDTZK9-DM9P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK9-DM9P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDTZK9-DM9S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK9-DM9S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDTZK9-DB9S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK9-DB9S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Plastic, metallised 180 ° Silver MHDPPK-M-25-K 1 pc(s) | 6260-0105-03 |
Data Sheet (English)Data Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Plastic 45 ° Black MHD45PPK-25-BK-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0107-13 |
LeafletInformation GuideData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Metal 180 ° Silver MHDTZK-N-25-RA-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0105-03 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Metal 45 ° Silver MHD45ZK-25-RA-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0106-13 |
LeafletData Sheet (English)Data Sheet (English)Information Guide |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic 180 ° Black MHDTPPK-37-BK-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0108-04 |
Data Sheet (English)Information GuideLeaflet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 9 Metal 45 ° Silver MHD45ZK-9-RA-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0106-11 |
Data Sheet (English)Data Sheet (English)LeafletInformation Guide |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Plastic, metallised 45 ° Silver MHD45PK-25-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0146-13 |
Data Sheet (English)LeafletInformation GuideData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic, metallised 180 ° Silver MHDPPK-M-37-K 1 pc(s) | 6260-0105-04 |
Data SheetData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic, metallised 45 ° Silver MHD45PK-37-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0146-14 |
LeafletInformation GuideData Sheet (English)Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 90 ° Number of pins: 37 Soldering 2103-2100-04 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-04 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 90 ° Number of pins: 9 Soldering 2103-2100-11 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-11 |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic 180 ° Black MHDPPK37-BK-K 1 pc(s) | 6260-0101-04 |
Data SheetInformation GuideLeafletData Sheet |
D-SUB receptacle 90 ° Number of pins: 25 Soldering 2103-2100-13 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-13 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 90 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering 2103-2100-12 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-12 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 90 ° Number of pins: 25 Soldering 2103-2100-03 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-03 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 90 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering 2103-2100-02 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-02 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 90 ° Number of pins: 9 Soldering 2103-2100-01 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-01 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 15 Plastic, metallised 45 ° Silver MHD45PK-15-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0146-12 |
Data Sheet (English)LeafletData Sheet (English)Information Guide |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Metal 45 ° Black MHD45ZK-37-BK-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0116-14 |
LeafletData Sheet (English)Information GuideData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic, metallised 180 ° Silver MHDTPK-37-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0145-04 |
Data Sheet (English)LeafletInformation Guide |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Plastic, metallised 180 ° Silver MHDTPK-25-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0145-03 |
Information GuideLeafletData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 9 Plastic, metallised 45 ° Silver MHD45PK-9-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0146-11 |
Data Sheet (English)Data Sheet (English)Information GuideLeaflet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 9 Plastic, metallised 180 °, 45 ° Silver MHDSSK-M-09-L-K 1 pc(s) | 6260-0106-01 |
Data SheetData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 90 ° Number of pins: 37 Soldering 2103-2100-14 1 pc(s) | 2103-2100-14 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 9 Plastic 180 ° Yellow MHDPPK09-Y-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0105-01 |
LeafletData SheetData SheetInformation Guide |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 15 Plastic 180 ° Blue MHDPPK15-B-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0104-02 |
Data SheetInformation GuideLeafletData Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic 180 ° Blue MHDPPK37-B-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0104-04 |
Information GuideLeafletData SheetData Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 9 Plastic 180 ° Blue MHDPPK09-B-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0104-01 |
Information GuideLeafletData SheetData Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 25 Plastic 180 ° Blue MHDPPK25-B-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0104-03 |
Data SheetLeafletInformation GuideData Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 15 Metal 45 ° Silver MHD45ZK-15-RA-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0106-12 |
LeafletInformation GuideData Sheet (English)Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 15 Plastic 180 ° Yellow MHDPPK15-Y-K 1 pc(s) | 6353-0105-02 |
Data SheetLeafletInformation GuideData Sheet |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 15 Plastic, metallised 180 ° Silver MHDTPK-15-K 1 pc(s) | 6560-0145-02 |
Information GuideLeafletData Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Crimp MHDBC09SS-NW 1 pc(s) | MHDBC09SS-NW |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB housing Number of pins: 37 Plastic 180 °, 45 ° Black MHED-DS37S 1 pc(s) | 2801-0101-04 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDM25-DM25S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM25-DM25S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDM15-DM15S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM15-DM15S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDTZK15-DM15S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK15-DM15S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDM15-DB15S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM15-DB15S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDM15-DM15P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM15-DM15P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDTZK25-DM25P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK25-DM25P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDM9-DB9P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM9-DB9P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDTZK15-DM15P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK15-DM15P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDM9-DB9S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDM9-DB9S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDTZK25-DB25P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK25-DB25P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDTZK25-DB25S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK25-DB25S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 15 MHDD15-F-T-B-M 1 pc(s) | MHDD15-F-T-B-M |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 9 MHDD9-F-T-B-M 1 pc(s) | MHDD9-F-T-B-M |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 9 MHDD9-M-T-B-M 1 pc(s) | MHDD9-M-T-B-M |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB socket 45 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHD45PK9-DB9S-K 1 pc(s) | MHD45PK9-DB9S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 45 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHD45PK9-DB9P-K 1 pc(s) | MHD45PK9-DB9P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDPPK25-DB25S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK25-DB25S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDPPK9-DB9S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK9-DB9S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 15 MHDD15-M-T-B-M 1 pc(s) | MHDD15-M-T-B-M |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 25 MHDD25-M-T-B-M 1 pc(s) | MHDD25-M-T-B-M |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Solder bucket MHDPPK9-DB9P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK9-DB9P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB socket 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDPPK15-DB15S-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK15-DB15S-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Solder bucket MHDPPK25-DB25P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK25-DB25P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDPPK15-DB15P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDPPK15-DB15P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB plug 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Solder bucket MHDTZK15-DB15P-K 1 pc(s) | MHDTZK15-DB15P-K |
Data Sheet |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering MHHDS15-M-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-01 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 26 Soldering MHHDS26-M-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-02 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 44 Soldering MHHDS44-M-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-03 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 15 Soldering MHHDS15-F-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-11 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 44 Soldering MHHDS44-F-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-13 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 26 Soldering MHHDS26-F-T-B-S 1 pc(s) | 2101-0300-22 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Soldering 2103-0100-11 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-11 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 9 Soldering 2103-0100-01 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-01 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Soldering 2103-0100-03 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-03 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB pin strip 180 ° Number of pins: 37 Soldering 2103-0100-04 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-04 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 37 Soldering 2103-0100-14 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-14 |
Data Sheet (English) |
D-SUB receptacle 180 ° Number of pins: 25 Soldering 2103-0100-13 1 pc(s) | 2103-0100-13 |
Data Sheet (English) |