BlackBerry 10.3.1 User Manual

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Tap with one finger set the point of regard on either the high verbosity or low verbosity options.
Double-tap with one finger to select your choice.
To set punctuation verbosity, complete the following steps:
Tap Punctuation Verbosity with one finger to set the point of regard.
Double-tap with one finger to activate the Punctuation Verbosity field as the point of regard and open the drop-
down list of options.
Double-tap None to set the point of regard if you don't want any punctuation replaced with a spoken equivalent.
Double-tap Some if you want the following symbols to be replaced with a spoken equivalent: # (number), $ 
(dollar), % (percent sign), & (ampersand), * (asterisk), + (plus), / (slash), = (equal), @ (at sign), and ^ (caret).
Double-tap Most if you want to include the previous list, plus the following symbols: "(quotation mark), ( (left 
parentheses), ) (right parentheses), - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), ; (semicolon), < (left angle bracket), > 
(right angle bracket), [ (left bracket), ] (right bracket), \ (backslash), | (pipe symbol), ` (grave accent or 
apostrophe), ~ (tilde), { (left brace), and } (right brace).
Double-tap All if you want to include all the previous lists of symbols, plus the following symbols: ? (question 
mark) and ! (exclamation point).
Tap with one finger set the point of regard on your selected punctuation verbosity option.
Double-tap with one finger to select your choice.
Close the BlackBerry Screen Reader settings in one of the following ways:
• Swipe up from the bottom of the screen to minimize the screen. With the point of regard on the minimized app, 
double-tap with two fingers to close the app.
•  Tap 
 to set the point of regard. Then, double-tap 
to return to the Accessibility screen. Tap 
 to set the 
point of regard. Then tap 
 again to return to the System Settings screen. With the point of regard on the 
minimized app, double-tap with two fingers to close the app.
Using audio cues with BlackBerry Screen Reader
Your BlackBerry Screen Reader can emit audio cues for events on your BlackBerry device. By default, this setting is on and 
you hear audio cues for the following:
• A task error
• A task is starting or finishing
• A page or screen is refreshed or changed
• You changed a switch, checkbox or option
• A menu is opened or closed
• The keyboard is visible or hidden
Turn on audio cues for the BlackBerry Screen Reader using gestures
When you turn on the BlackBerry Screen Reader, you use gestures to complete tasks.
When you have the BlackBerry Screen Reader turned on, swipe down and to the right with one finger to access Quick 
Tasks mode.
User Guide