Apple MC903LL/A User Manual

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Chapter  31    
Triple-click Home
Triple-click Home lets you turn some Accessibility features on or off by pressing the  
Home button   quickly three times. You can use Triple-click Home for:
Invert Colors
Guided Access (Triple-click Home starts Guided Access if it’s already turned on. See 
 on page 116.)
Set the Triple-click Home function:  Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Triple-click Home. 
If you select more than one, you’re asked which one you want to control whenever you triple-
click the Home button.
Slow down the click speed:  Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Home-click Speed.
Many apps let you zoom in or out on specific items. For example, you can double-tap or 
pinch to expand webpage columns in Safari. But, there’s also a Zoom accessibility feature that 
lets you magnify the entire screen of any app you’re using. And, you can use Zoom together 
with VoiceOver.
Turn Zoom on or off:  Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Zoom. Or use Triple-click Home. 
 on page 115.
Zoom in or out:  Double-tap the screen with three fingers.
Vary the magnification:  With three fingers, tap and drag up or down. The tap-and-drag gesture 
is similar to a double-tap, except you don’t lift your fingers on the second tap—instead, drag 
your fingers on the screen. Once you start dragging, you can drag with a single finger. iPod touch 
returns to the adjusted magnification when you zoom out and in again using the three-finger 
Pan around the screen:  While zoomed in, drag the screen with three fingers. Once you start 
dragging, you can drag with a single finger so that you can see more of the screen. Or hold a 
single finger near the edge of the display to pan to that side. Move your finger closer to the edge 
to pan more quickly. When you open a new screen, Zoom goes to the top-middle of the screen.
While using Zoom with an Apple Wireless Keyboard (see 
 on page 24)
the screen image follows the insertion point, keeping it in the center of the display.
Large Text
Large Text lets you increase the text size in alerts, and in Calendar, Contacts, Mail, Messages, 
and Notes.
Set the text size:  Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Large Text.
Large Text can only be turned on or off in iPod touch settings.