Apple MC903LL/A User Manual

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Nike + iPod
With a Nike + iPod Sensor (sold separately), the Nike + iPod app gives you audible feedback on 
pace, distance, elapsed time, and calories burned during a run or walk.
Review your
workout history.
Review your
workout history.
Calibrate based on
your last workout.
Calibrate based on
your last workout.
Choose a standard workout.
Choose a standard workout.
Choose or create a
custom workout.
Choose or create a
custom workout.
Choose a 
workout type.
Choose a 
workout type.
The Nike + iPod app doesn’t appear on the Home screen until you turn it on.
Turn on Nike + iPod:  Go to Settings > Nike + iPod.
Nike + iPod collects workout data from a wireless sensor (sold separately) that you attach to your 
shoe. Before you use it the first time, you need to link your sensor to iPod touch.
Link your sensor to iPod touch: Attach the sensor to your shoe, then go to Settings >  
Nike + iPod > Sensor.
Start a workout:  Tap Workouts, and choose a workout.
Pause a workout:  Wake iPod touch and tap   on the lock screen. Tap   when you’re ready 
to continue.
End a workout:  Wake iPod touch, tap  , then tap End Workout.
Change workout settings:  Go to Settings > Nike + iPod.
Calibrate Nike + iPod:  Record a workout over a known distance of at least a quarter mile  
(400 meters). Then, after you tap End Workout, tap Calibrate on the workout summary screen  
and enter the actual distance you covered.