Eton MINI300PE User Manual

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M I N I   3 0 0 P E
O P E R A T I O N   M A N U A L
summer shortwave.
•  Holding the radio while listening to shortwave will 
improve signal strengths.
•  Getting close to a window may substantially improve 
your reception because the construction materials of
some buildings do not let signals in very well. Signals
penetrate wood frame buildings easiest, while concrete
and brick buildings usually block signals. If you are in a
building with one or more stories above you, signals can
also be impaired in strength. In such a situation, get as
close to a window as possible while listening.
•  These guidelines can be used worldwide and are not 
dependent on location.
H E R E   A R E   S O M E   G E N E R A L   G U I D E -
•  In general, the bands with frequencies below 13 MHz 
are better at night and the bands with frequencies above
13 MHz are best during the day. This guideline, while
approximate, is a useful general rule of thumb.
•  During the day, listen in SW5-7. These may start getting 
good just before sunrise and may stay good all day, until
just after sunset.
•   At night, listen in SW1-4. These may start getting good 
just before sunset and may stay good all night, until just
after sunrise.
•  Around sunrise and sunset, both the day and night 
bands might be good, sometimes exceptionally good.
•  Winter shortwave is generally somewhat better than