Kodak 800 SERIES User Manual

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Troubleshooting          4-79
NovaJet 800 Series Service Manual
Media Sensor Reference  Points Not Initialized
Hardware Failures/Diagnostic Tests
Quick Troubleshooting List
Send a test image (PRT or RTL) directly to printer to verify a
hardware failure.
If the carriage stops during normal travel clean encoder strip/slide
shaft/bushing/belt; reseat trailing cable connections if necessary.
Check feed/take-up modes and operation.  Run a legs test under
Reseat all printer cable connections.
Refresh the printer firmware.
Figure 4-81.  Main PWA LED Operation.
Check Main PCB LED’s (light emitting diodes):
D1 – Normally flashes; DSP is not active. Steady during print operations.
D9 – Normally flashes; Power PC processor is idle.  Stops flashing when
processor is
active (i.e. during paper sensing operations).
D10 – Normally OFF; Flashes during initialization, then turns off.  LED
staying on would indicate a problem when the FPGA is unconfigured.
Ensures the gate array chips have been properly programmed (one on
Main PWA and on each Carriage PWA).
D8 - +24V available.
D13 - +5V available.