Panasonic F1012CM0 User Manual

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About [B] (Bulb)
If you set the shutter speed to [B], the shutter stays open while the shutter button is 
pressed fully (up to approximately 60 minutes).
The shutter closes if you release the shutter button.
Use this when you want to keep the shutter open for a long time to take pictures of 
fireworks, a night scene etc.
We recommend using a tripod or the remote shutter (DMW-RSL1: optional) when you take 
pictures with the shutter speed set to [B]. Refer to 
 for information about the remote 
If you set the shutter speed to [B], [B] is displayed on the screen.
When you take pictures with the shutter speed set to [B], use a sufficiently charged battery. 
When you take pictures with the shutter speed set to [B], noise may become visible. To avoid 
picture noise, we recommend setting [Long Shtr NR] in the [Rec] menu to [ON] before taking 
The Manual Exposure Assistance does not appear.
This cannot be used when [Electronic Shutter] is set to [ON].
It can only be used with Manual Exposure Mode.
Constant preview
In Manual Exposure Mode, when [Constant Preview] in the [Custom] menu is [ON], you 
will be able to confirm the effects of aperture and shutter speed on the screen. 
Close the flash.
It can only be used with Manual Exposure Mode.
The brightness of the screen and the recorded pictures may differ. Check the pictures on the 
playback screen.
Rotate the front/rear dial to display the [Expo.Meter]. Unsuitable areas of the range are 
displayed in red.
If the exposure is not adequate, the aperture value and the shutter speed turn red and blink 
when the shutter button is pressed halfway.
Display of the shutter speed will count down when the shutter speed is set to slow and the 
shutter button is pressed all the way.
We recommend using a tripod when the shutter speed is slow.
When the flash is activated, the fastest shutter speed that can be selected is 1/160th of a 
The shutter speed slower than 1 second is not available when [Electronic Shutter] is set to 
The [Sensitivity] is automatically set to [ISO200] when you switch the Recording Mode to 
Manual exposure while the [Sensitivity] is set to [AUTO] or [
] (Intelligent).
When you use a lens with an aperture ring, the aperture ring setting takes priority.