StorageTek 312564001 User Manual

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DB2 Manager User Guide 
Archive Manager database recovery may be required in the following 
1.  loss of an individual tape volume from with an Archive Manager tape 
database (eg) due to media failure 
2.  loss of an entire Archive Manager database (eg) due to loss of data 
In both the above cases, standard Archive Manager database recovery 
procedures should be followed.  A full description of these procedures may 
be found in the ‘Recovery Control Processing’ section in the Archive Manager 
User Manual.   
The procedure in each case is summarized below: 
1.  Loss of individual tape volume(s)  
Identify the dataset sequence number(s) of the tape volume(s) which 
have become unavailable.  A tape volume’s dataset sequence number 
may be obtained from the name of the dataset contained on that volume.  
Refer to “Archive Manager database backup and recovery” on page 89 
for a description of Archive Manager dataset naming standards. 
Set each sequence number (or range of sequence numbers) in recovery 
status, using the standard Archive Manager database administration 
dialog for the database containing the unavailable volumes.  The copy to 
be used for recovery (‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’) is established during this process.  
Archive Manager will automatically access the appropriate backup copy 
when retrieving objects from all volumes which have been placed in 
recovery status. 
The primary copy of all volumes which are in recovery status should be 
re-created at a subsequent time using the Archive Manager database 
recovery utility OTASP130.  This utility will automatically remove a volume 
from recovery status after its primary copy has been re-created.  Volumes 
may be manually removed from recovery status at any time via the 
Archive Manager database administration dialog. 
2.  Loss of entire database    
If an entire database has been lost (due to hardware malfunction or loss 
of data center), the database must be placed in ‘disaster recovery’ status 
via the standard Archive Manager database administration dialog.  The 
copy to be used for disaster recovery  (‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’) is specified during 
this procedure. 
When a database is in disaster recovery status, all retrievals by Archive 
Manager from that database will be performed from the appropriate 
backup copy.  In order to guarantee the continuance of established 
service levels for DB2 applications, all volumes in that copy of the 
database should be available for automated processing.