Pass Labs X2.2 User Manual

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X2.2 Owner’s Manual
Gain, Balanced: 
 selectable 4 / 14dB
Gain, single-ended: 
selectable 4 / 14 dB
Freq. Response: 
-3 dB @ 2 Hz, -3 dB at  @ 100K Hz
Distortion @ 1KHZ:   < .1 % THD, typically .003% @ 2 volts 
Maximum Output: 
10 volts rms. bal out, 7 volts rms. unbal 
Output Impedance:   200 ohms unbal, 750 ohms balanced
Input Impedance: 
33K Ohm unbal, 66K Ohm balanced   
typ.  -55 dB, 1KHz
typ.  -85 dB,  1KHz
Output Noise floor:  < -125 dBV, 20Hz  to 20KHz
External amp turn on:  12 volts DC 50 mA continuous 
Power Consumption:   35 watts
 17” W  x  11.5 “D 
x 3.5”H
Shipping Weight:  
28 Lbs in packing
Pass Laboratories Inc.
P.O. Box 219,
24449 Foresthill Rd.,
Foresthill, CA 95631
Tel: 530.367.3690, Fax: 530.369.2193,
© 2006 Pass Laboratories Inc.
X2.2 Specifications
“Pass”, “pass”, “Pass Labs”, “Pass Laboratories”, Supersymmetery”, 
“Aleph”, and “Zen” and are all registered trademarks of  Pass 
Laboratories, Inc., and all rights thereto are protected by law.