Roland JUNO-G User Manual

Page of 252
Saving/Loading a Song (Save/Load)
Here’s how to save the Temporary Song with the current sound 
generator settings.
From the SAVE/LOAD MENU screen, press [F2 (2)].
The SONG FILE NAME screen appears.
Assign a file name to the song (up to 8 characters). A file 
name extension of “.SVQ” will automatically be added to 
the song.
Song file names may not contain lowercase characters or certain 
symbols (space, “ * + , . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |).
After you have assigned a name, press [F6 (WRITE)].
The SAVE SONG screen appears.
Press [F1 (USER)] (User memory) or [F2 (CARD)] (Memory 
card) to select the location where you want to save the 
Press [F6 (SAVE)].
A message will ask you for confirmation.
Press [F6 (EXEC)] to execute.
To cancel, press [F5 (CANCEL)].
A song file having the same name, but with an extension of 
“.SVA” will also be saved at the same time.
Here’s how to save all samples from sample memory into user 
memory or a memory card.
From the SAVE/LOAD MENU screen, press [F3 (3)].
A message will ask you for confirmation.
Press [F6 (EXEC)] to execute.
To cancel, press [F5 (CANCEL)].
When samples are saved, they will automatically be overwritten 
onto the same number of the same bank in the sample list.
Here’s how to convert the MIDI track data of the temporary song 
into an SMF file and save it.
1. In the MIDI TRACK screen, hold down [SHIFT] and press 
Press [F5 (SAVE AS SMF)].
The SAVE AS SMF screen appears.
Assign a file name to the song.
Song file names may not contain lowercase characters or certain 
symbols (space, “ * + , . / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] |).
After you have assigned a name, press [F6 (WRITE)].
Press either [F1 (USER)] (user memory) or [F2 (CARD)] 
(memory card) to select the save-destination.
Saving a Song (Save Song)
File Name and Song Name
Song Files and Standard MIDI Files have a song name in 
addition to a file name. The file name is used to distinguish 
between files, and must be assigned when you save a file. It will 
help you manage songs if you use the file name to distinguish 
between types of song, and use the song name to assign a title.
Use the SONG NAME screen (p. 103) to assign a song name.
If you assign a file name that is identical to a file name already 
existing in the user area or memory card, and attempt to save, a 
message of “File “****” Already Exists! Overwrite Sure?” will 
appear, asking you for confirmation. If it is OK to overwrite the 
existing file, press [F6 (EXEC)]. If you decide to cancel the Save 
operation, press [F5 (CANCEL)].
If you attempt to save data on a memory that was not formatted 
by the JUNO-G, a message of “Unformatted!” (memory card 
has not been formatted) will appear. Please format the memory 
card on the JUNO-G (p. 164).
Saving Samples (Save all Samples)
Saving a Song as an SMF 
File (Save as SMF)
Even if you save your song using “Save,” it cannot be played 
back by a sequencer other than the JUNO-G’s song recorder.
If you want to play back the song’s MIDI track on a sequencer 
other than the JUNO-G, save the song as an SMF file. Also at 
this time, you must record the appropriate bank selects and 
program numbers so that the correct sounds will be played.
The performance settings will be saved in the state they were in 
when you executed Save. This means that if the performance 
changed during the song, and you saved the song in that state 
when you finished recording, the state in which recording 
began will not be saved. In other words when you play back the 
song from the beginning, it will begin with the performance 
sounds that were being used at the point where you saved. If 
you change the performance during the song, you must use the 
Microscope screen etc. to insert the appropriate bank select and 
program number at the beginning of the song to specify the 
performance with which you began recording it. 114 ページ 2006年2月13日 月曜日 午後2時44分