Roland AT800 User Manual

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Selecting and Playing Sounds
Distinctive Features of the Violin (Art.Violin)
The distinctive character of the violin lies in its rich vibrato, the portamento 
playing technique, which allows the pitch to be changed smoothly, and the 
pizzicato technique, in which the string is plucked with a finger. 
The Art.Violin sound lets you express these distinctive features of the violin.
Performance tips
Changes in the tonal character and the depth of vibrato are very important 
elements of violin performance. The most important thing is to skillfully use 
aftertouch to control the dynamics. You can also emphasize the attack of the 
notes by playing a key strongly.
Portamento is another distinctive element.
In order to perform with portamento, set the foot switch setting to 
ART.CONTROL1, and play legato on the keyboard while pressing the foot 
switch. Playing the new note strongly will produce a rapid portamento, while 
playing the new note gently will produce a slow portamento. Quickly playing 
an upward or downward chromatic step will produce a violin-like effect in 
which the sound is completely connected. By using this at appropriate points 
in your phrases, you can perform in a highly effective way.
Normally, the Art.Violin sound will play monophonically, but if you play 
multiple keys simultaneously or play, you’ll be able to play the multiple-stop 
notes that are distinctive of the violin (up to four-note chords).
Foot switch effect
Recommended pitch range
G3–G7 (when Octave Shift is 0. Middle C is C4.)
Distinctive Features of the Cello (Art.Cello)
Important aspects of the cello’s sound are its deep body resonances and the 
rich tonal changes. The Art.Cello sound lets you fully express these distinctive 
nuances of the cello.
Tips for Performing with an Articulation Voice
By playing the keyboard legato while holding down the foot 
switch, you can produce portamento that changes the pitch 
By playing the keyboard while holding down the foot switch, 
you can produce a pizzicato sound of the string being 
plucked with the finger instead of being played with a bow.
“Multiple stopping” is a 
technique by which more than 
one note can be played 
simultaneously on a violin or 
other stringed instrument. 66 ページ 2008年10月15日 水曜日 午前9時37分