Roland VB-99 User Manual

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Chapter 5 Using MIDI
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Use [F6] (SELECT) or the F6 knob to select the 
synchronizing signal.
This specifies the setting to be stored as the SYNC CLOCK 
The VB-99 operates independently.
The VB-99 is synchronized to the MIDI Clock received via 
USB. However, operations are automatically synchronized to 
the VB-99’s internal Clock if the VB-99 is unable to receive the 
external Clock.
The VB-99 is synchronized to the MIDI Clock received via 
MIDI. However, operations are automatically synchronized to 
the VB-99’s internal Clock if the VB-99 is unable to receive the 
external Clock.
The VB-99 is synchronized to the MIDI Clock received via 
RRC2. However, operations are automatically synchronized to 
the VB-99’s internal Clock if the VB-99 is unable to receive the 
external Clock.
The VB-99 can convert performance data to MIDI Note and Bend 
messages and output these messages. Using this function allows you 
to record performances to sequencers and play sounds through 
external sequencer sound modules.
The BASS TO MIDI function features system parameters, whose 
settings affect the overall functionality of the device, and patch 
parameters, which are set on an individual patch basis.
The Channel-A COSM BASS settings (PITCH SHIFT, 
HARMO, and BEND) and the D Beam and ribbon 
controller settings (T-ARM) affect the pitch (MIDI note 
messages) output with Bass to MIDI. Channel B COSM 
BASS settings are not affected.
If the pitch (MIDI note messages) output with Bass to MIDI 
becomes too low (or too high) because of the effects of the Channel A 
COSM BASS settings, the pitch is automatically shifted one octave 
higher (or lower).
Syncing to the MIDI Clock 
from an External Device
Playing an External 
Synthesizer Sound Module 
About MIDI messages Output with 
Bass to MIDI
The following MIDI messages are output with Bass to MIDI.
Program Change Messages
These messages convey information about a patch change.
Control Change Messages
These messages describe any changes made using the panel 
knobs or by operating pedals.
Note On Messages
These messages convey to the device the pitches and volumes at 
which sounds are played.
Note Off Messages
These messages instruct the device to stop sounds currently 
being played.
Bend Messages
These messages are sent to produce continuous changes in the 
pitch. 58 ページ 2008年8月18日 月曜日 午後1時10分