Nextel comm 6510 User Manual

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Nextel® Services Guide
Other Important Information
Nextel Terms and Conditions of Service
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE: Before using your BlackBerry 6510 Wireless Handheld or 
accessories from Nextel (the “Equipment”), you (“Customer”) must read and agree to the following terms and 
conditions of Nextel wireless communications services (“Service”). By using the Equipment or Service, 
Customer applies and subscribes for Services provided by Nextel (the “Company”) and confirms that Customer 
has read, understands, agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions stated herein (the “Agreement”). In 
addition, because Service requires software and related services provided by RIM®, the Service is also subject 
to RIM's terms and conditions. Such terms and conditions may be found on the BlackBerry Software CD/s) or 
in related documentation accompanying the Equipment. 
Should there be any conflict between the terms and conditions below, and the terms and conditions of any 
current Service/Subscriber Agreement between Customer and Company covering the Equipment 
accompanying this User’s Guide, the terms and conditions of the current Service/Subscriber Agreement will 
1. USE OF SERVICE – By executing this Agreement, Customer covenants that it shall comply with all 
applicable laws, including without limitation all Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations. 
Customer will not use the Service for any unlawful purpose. Customer will not use the Service in aircraft or in 
motor vehicles where prohibited by law, ordinance or regulation, as applicable. Customer acknowledges and 
agrees that all future purchases of Company Services and Equipment by Customer shall be governed by the 
terms and conditions contained herein unless Customer and Company enter into a subsequent Subscriber 
Agreement. Company may change this Agreement at any time. Any changes are effective when Company 
provides Customer with written notice stating the effective date of the change(s). If Customer elects to use the 
Services or make any payment to Company on or after the effective date of the changes, Customer is deemed to 
have accepted the change(s). If Customer does not accept the changes, Customer may terminate Services as of 
the effective date by sending written notice to Company at the address shown on Customer’s bill. If Services 
are terminated before the end of the current billing cycle, (i) no credit or refund will be provided for unused 
airtime; and (ii) any monthly recurring charge will not be prorated to the date of termination.
2. TERM –The Service Term of this Agreement shall be specified on the Subscriber Agreement Form and shall 
commence as of the date hereof. Thereafter, unless Customer or Company terminates this Agreement as 
provided for herein, this Agreement shall automatically renew on a month-to-month basis. Notice of 
termination by Customer shall be made only in writing to Company at the address shown on Customer’s bill. 
Company reserves the right not to renew this Agreement at any time prior to the conclusion of the Service Term 
or any renewal term. Except for a Customer termination in response to Company changes in accordance with 
Section 1 above, a $200 cancellation fee per unit will be charged to Customer for cancellation within the 
Service Term, if a one or two year Service Terms is selected on the Subscriber Agreement. If Company permits 
Customer to suspend Service to Customer’s account(s) for a temporary period, Company may extend the term 
of this Agreement by the length of the temporary suspension. If Customer changes rate plans during the Service 
Term of this Agreement, or upgrades Equipment at any time, then Customer may be required to start a new 
Service Term of up to 24 months as of the date of the change or upgrade and may be subject to a transfer fee.
3. CREDIT APPLICATION – This Agreement shall be contingent upon Company’s approval of Customer’s 
credit application. Company may require Customer to update its credit application or information from time to 
time. Customer warrants and represents that all information furnished on the credit application is current, 
complete, accurate, and true. If Company subsequently determines that any statements made on the credit 
application are false, incomplete or inaccurate, Company may declare Customer to be in default under this 
Agreement and may exercise any remedies it has under this Agreement at law or in equity. Customer 
understands that Company will rely upon the credit information provided by Customer, including but not 
limited to Customer’s social security number or tax identification number, and other confidential and personal 
financial and credit information requested by Company and supplied by Customer, in making a decision to 
provide Services. Customer consents to Company’s requests for and verification of Customer’s bank references 
and Company’s performance of a credit history check utilizing standard commercial credit reference services in 
connection with Company’s review of the Customer’s creditworthiness. Customer acknowledges that 
Company may provide payment history and other billing/charge information to a credit reporting agency for 
inclusion in Customer’s records maintained by such credit reporting agency. Customer understands that a 
security deposit or airtime usage limit may be required.