Roland VP-770 User Manual

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An  Overview of the VP-770
The VP-770 has three parts, and each part occupies its own section of the front panel.
If you turn on a sound button for a part, you’ll be able to play that part.
If you turn on a sound button for two or more parts, you’ll be able to play those parts simultaneously.
By combining these parts, you can make the VP-770 produce an incredible range of vocal sounds.
This part lets you play high-quality sounds from the
keyboard. You can switch sounds (such as a brass
ensemble using SuperNATURAL technology, or a strings 
sound) simply by selecting a sound button. By layering 
the Ensemble part with the Vocal Designer you can
create even richer sounds.
This part uses the keyboard and the microphone input to model vocal
sounds. Use the keyboard to control the pitch, and use the microphone 
to control all other aspects of the sound.
If you turn on one of these sound buttons, the seventeen 
eft-most keys of the keyboard will play voice bass or voice
percussion sounds. You can easily do things such as using
your left hand to play a bass line while using your right hand
to play the melody.
This section applies 
the ambience of a hall
or studio to the sound 
from the three parts.
This has the same role that the 
“vocal cords” play in a human
voice. According to the pitches
you play on the keyboard, this 
generates the signal that forms 
the basis of the sound (tone and
pitch). Use the sound buttons to 
switch between
diff erent vocal
characters such
as classic or pop.
From the voice you input via the
microphone input, this extracts 
the resonances (formants) 
that result from the shape of 
your throat and larynx and the
movement of your mouth, and
uses these formants to modulate
the signal produced by the carrier.
This will reproduce not only the 
loudness of your voice, but also 
let the lyrics be heard clearly and
A registration lets you store the “sound and settings” of each part; 
you can then use the four banks of eight buttons to instantly recall 32 diff erent settings (preset: 16, user: 16).
All settings of the VP-770 can be saved to USB memory as a “project.”
If you turn on the [AUDIO KEY] button, you’ll be able to use
the fi fteen keys at the left side of the keyboard to play back 
audio fi les saved on USB memory (sold separately).
This lets you record a phrase you perform, and then 
play it back repeatedly. You can also save this phrase to
USB memory (sold separately) and use the Audio Key 
function to play it.
System memory stores settings that apply
to the entire VP-770 such as keyboard