Casablanca Fan Company 3811Z User Manual

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The Fan-Minder feature will add to your comfort when used in the bedroom. The program reduces the
speed of the fan each two-hour interval to compensate for cooling night air. 
To enter the Fan-Minder Program:
1. Turn the 
 OFF for at least 5 seconds.
2. Turn the 
3. Immediately operate the buttons in the following sequence:
4. The fan will respond with three descending tones. A timer is now initiated and the fan will reduce one speed for
each two-hour interval. The fan will not, however, descend below the second lowest speed.
You may increase the fan speed by pressing and holding the 
 button until the desired speed is reached, 
then release it. The fan will again reduce one speed for each 2 hour interval.
5. To cancel the Fan-Minder Program, turn the
 OFF for three seconds.