Toshiba ASD-G9ETH User Manual

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controller may request larger consumed and/or produced data sizes, but all 
unreferenced consumed data will be ignored, and all unreferenced produced 
data will contain dummy “0” values).  The first word (two bytes) of consumed 
data will be written to register 1007 (command 1) and the second word will be 
written to register 1008 (frequency command).  Similarly, the first word of 
produced data will contain the value of register 1402 (status 1) and the second 
word will contain the value of register 1401 (output frequency). 
10.8.5  Submitting Changes 
Whenever any of the EtherNet/IP configuration elements (Device Name or I/O 
array configurations) have been changed, the “submit” button located in the 
lower right-hand portion of the web page must be clicked in order to write these 
settings to the interface card’s filesystem. 
Note that because these configuration elements are read from the filesystem 
only when the interface card boots up, the act of submitting configuration 
changes will also reset the interface card.  Please allow 30 seconds for the 
interface card to reboot, at which time it will then be operating with the recently-
submitted configuration.  Refer to Figure 38. 
Figure 38: Submit Configuration Changes