Telit Wireless Solutions GE863-PY User Manual

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 1vv0300715 Rev. 1 - 19/09/06  
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Debug of the GE863 in Production 
To test and debug the mounting of the GE863, we strongly recommend to foreseen test pads on the 
host PCB, in order to check the connection between the GE863 itself and the application and  to test 
the performance of the module connecting it with an external computer. Depending by the customer 
application, these pads include, but are not limited to the following signals: 
•  TXD 
•  RXD 
•  ON/OFF 
•  GND 
13.2.3 Stencil 
Stencil’s apertures layout can be the same of the recommended footprint (1:1), we suggest a 
thickness of stencil foil ≥ 120µm. 
PCB pad Design 
“Non solder mask defined” (NSMD) type is recommended for the solder pads on the PCB.