ZyXEL Communications P-2602HWLNI User Manual

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Chapter 11 Voice
P-2602HWLNI User’s Guide
Figure 106   Phone > Analog Phone > Advanced
Each field is described in the following table.
Table 65   Phone > Analog Phone > Advanced
Analog Phone
This field displays the number of the analog phone you are currently configuring.
Voice Volume 
Speaking Volume
Enter the loudness that the ZyXEL Device uses for speech that it sends to the 
peer device. 
-1 is the quietest, and 1 is the loudest.
Listening Volume
Enter the loudness that the ZyXEL Device uses for speech that it receives from 
the peer device. -1 is the quietest, and 1 is the loudest.
Echo Cancellation
G.168 Active
Select this if you want to eliminate the echo caused by the sound of your voice 
reverberating in the telephone receiver while you talk.
Fax Option
This field controls how the ZyXEL Device handles fax messages.
G.711 Fax 
Select this if the ZyXEL Device should use G.711 to send fax messages. The peer 
devices must also use G.711.
T.38 Fax Relay
Select this if the ZyXEL Device should send fax messages as UDP or TCP/IP 
packets through IP networks. This provides better quality, but it may have inter-
operability problems. The peer devices must also use T.38.
Dialing Interval 