Lucent Technologies 9077 16S User Manual

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 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Configuring the SP Switch Router Adapter
Step 3. Change profile settings
value and you later read the field, the setting is always displayed in decimal. Here are the hex 
values for dump events:
0x0001   - dump always (override other bits)
0x0002   - dump just the next time the card reboots
0x0004   - dump on card panic
0x0008   - dump whenever card is reset
0x0010   - dump whenever card is hung
0x0020   -  dump on power up    
To specify dump on panic and dump when card hangs, you OR together  0x0004 (dump on 
card panic) and 0x0010 (dump whenever card is hung). The result in hex is 0x0014, or 20 in 
decimal. You could specify either of these settings to get the same result:
super> set config = 0x14
super> set config = 20
super> write
DUMP/ written
After you save (write) your specified value and you later read the field, you will see the panic 
and hang setting displayed as 
config = 20
To specify dump during panic, reset, and power up, you OR together  0004, 0008, and 0020. 
The result in hex is 0x2c, the decimal equivalent is 44. Both settings produce the same result: 
super> set config = 0x2c
super> set config = 44
super> write
DUMP/ written
After you save (write) your specified value and you later read the field, you will see the panic, 
reset, and power up setting displayed as 44.
Dump settings for all installed media cards are specified in the system Dump profile. 
There are two fields, 
. These fields are overridden by settings in a 
particular Card profile.        
 field enables you to specify numbers of dumps to be saved for all installed 
cards.  The default setting is 
keep-count = 0
, which means two more dumps are saved in 
addition to the current dump and the first dump of the day. A total of four dumps will be 
available with this default setting. At minimum, the first dump of the day and the current dump 
are always saved. 
 field in the system Dump is the same as the 
 field in a Card profile. The 
default for this setting is 20, expressed in decimal, and means that dumps are taken when cards 
panic and hang.
Refer to the GRF Configuration and Management manual for a description of other system 
Dump profile fields.