Lucent Technologies 9077 04S User Manual

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 October 22, 1999   
SP Switch Router Adapter Guide - 1.4 Update 2
Introduction to the SP Switch Router Adapter card
SP Switch Router Adapter card LEDs
The MD RCV, SW XMIT, MD XMIT, and SW RCV LEDs increase in brightness with 
increasing data traffic. When there is little data traffic, it may be difficult to see that the LED is 
• TX ST0 (green)
• TX ST1 (amber)
• TX ERR (amber)
These three LEDs 
light in different 
combinations to 
five operating states 
for the transmit 
•  ON     STATE_0    -  These three LEDs are on during 
•  ON                            hardware initialization. 
•  ON
•  OFF     STATE_1  - Bottom two LEDs (amber) go on during 
•  ON                           software initialization, show transmit port
•  ON                            is waiting for configuration parameters
•  ON      STATE_2   - Middle LED goes off when 
•  OFF                          configuration parameters are in place and the
•  ON                           transmit port is ready to be connected. 
•  OFF    STATE_3   - Bottom LED (amber) goes on to show that
•  OFF                         the transmit port is connected and the card is
•  ON                           ready to be on line.
•  OFF    STATE_4   -  These three LEDs are off to show transmit 
•  OFF                          port is online and running/routing.
•  OFF
MD XMIT  (amber)
This amber LED comes on as data leaves the transmit media side 
going to an external destination. 
SW RCV  (amber)
This amber LED lights when data from the SP Switch Router switch 
core (via the serial daughter card) goes to the transmit media side. 
Table 1-2. SP Switch Router Adapter media card LEDs    (continued)