ZyXEL Communications NBG-417N User Manual

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 Chapter 8 WAN
NBG-417N User’s Guide
Note: The three categories shown in this screen are independent of each other.  
To change your NBG-417N’s advanced WAN settings, click Network > WAN > Advanced. The 
screen appears as shown.
Figure 62   
Network > WAN > Advanced 
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 41   
Network > WAN > Advanced
Multicast Setup
Check this to enable multicasting. This applies to traffic routed from the 
WAN to the LAN. 
Leaving this blank may cause incoming traffic to be dropped or sent to all 
connected network devices.
Windows Networking (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
Allow between LAN 
and WAN
Select this check box to forward NetBIOS packets from the LAN to the WAN 
and from the WAN to the LAN. If your firewall is enabled with the default 
policy set to block WAN to LAN traffic, you also need to enable the default 
WAN to LAN firewall rule that forwards NetBIOS traffic.
Clear this check box to block all NetBIOS packets going from the LAN to the 
WAN and from the WAN to the LAN. 
Allow Trigger Dial 
Select this option to allow NetBIOS packets to initiate calls. 
Enable Auto-bridge 
Select this option to have the NBG-417N switch to bridge mode 
automatically when the NBG-417N gets a WAN IP address in the range of 
192.168.x.y (where x and y are from zero to nine) no matter what the LAN 
IP address is. 
Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG-417N.
Click Reset to begin configuring this screen afresh.