ZyXEL Communications MAX-306M1 User Manual

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Chapter 12 The Service Configuration Screens
User’s Guide
• G.711 is a Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) waveform codec. PCM measures 
analog signal amplitudes at regular time intervals (sampling) and converts them 
into digital bits (quantization). Quantization “reads” the analog signal and then 
“writes” it to the nearest digital value. For this reason, a digital sample is usually 
slightly different from its analog original (this difference is known as 
“quantization noise”). G.711 provides excellent sound quality but requires 
64kbps of bandwidth.
• G.723 is an Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) waveform 
codec. Differential (or Delta) PCM is similar to PCM, but encodes the audio signal 
based on the difference between one sample and a prediction based on previous 
samples, rather than encoding the sample’s actual quantized value. Many 
thousands of samples are taken each second, and the differences between 
consecutive samples are usually quite small, so this saves space and reduces 
the bandwidth necessary. 
However, DPCM produces a high quality signal (high signal-to-noise ratio or 
SNR) for high difference signals (where the actual signal is very different from 
what was predicted) but a poor quality signal (low SNR) for low difference 
signals (where the actual signal is very similar to what was predicted). This is 
because the level of quantization noise is the same at all signal levels. Adaptive 
DPCM solves this problem by adapting the difference signal’s level of 
quantization according to the audio signal’s strength. A low difference signal is 
given a higher quantization level, increasing its signal-to-noise ratio. This 
provides a similar sound quality at all signal levels. G.723 provides high quality 
sound and requires 20 or 40 kbps.
• G.729 is an Analysis-by-Synthesis (AbS) hybrid waveform codec. It uses a filter 
based on information about how the human vocal tract produces sounds. The 
codec analyzes the incoming voice signal and attempts to synthesize it using its 
list of voice elements. It tests the synthesized signal against the original and, if 
it is acceptable, transmits details of the voice elements it used to make the 
synthesis. Because the codec at the receiving end has the same list, it can 
exactly recreate the synthesized audio signal.G.729 provides good sound quality 
and reduces the required bandwidth to 8kbps.  MWI (Message Waiting Indication)
Enable Message Waiting Indication (MWI) enables your phone to give you a 
message–waiting (beeping) dial tone when you have one or more voice messages. 
Your VoIP service provider must have a messaging system that sends message-
waiting-status SIP packets as defined in RFC 3842.