Apple 5200/75 LC User Manual

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 REA Procedures
Install System 7.5.3 - 48
5 Highlight the Hard Drive icon and select Repair.
6 When the unit’s hard drive has been checked (and 
repaired, if necessary), select Quit from the File menu.
  If the program returns the message that the drive 
could not be repaired, stop installation and instruct the 
customer to back up the drive, format it, and reinstall 
the software.
7 Double-click the System Mover Script icon (Path:  
Utilities folder: AppleScripts folder: System Mover Script 
folder: System Mover Script).
 Do not run the System Mover Script on 
Performa computers; it is designed to work only on 
Power Macintosh 52xx/53xx/62xx/63xx computers.
 System Mover Script automatically installs System 
7.5.3 on the unit’s hard drive. It saves a copy of non-
Apple Preferences, Extensions, Control Panels, and other