Emerson SERIES 600T User Manual

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System Overview
Following a User Command
In any mode, except OFF mode, the user may command the Liebert FS to transition in SHUTDOWN. 
While in SHUTDOWN mode, the user will still be able to command the Liebert FS to transition into 
CHARGE mode (if SOC > 0%) or STARTUP mode (if SOC < 0%), provided that the UPS System DC 
bus voltage is greater than Vcharge.
Figure 52 SHUTDOWN mode diagram - user-initiated shutdown
5.3.8 COAST Mode
A transition into COAST mode can occur when the UPS System DC Bus voltage drops below Vcharge 
while the Liebert FS is in STARTUP mode. While in COAST mode, the Liebert FS is in an idling con-
dition where it neither draws nor generates any power.
As soon as the UPS DC Bus Voltage rises above Vcharge, the Liebert FS will automatically exit 
COAST mode and resume STARTUP mode.
After five minutes in COAST Mode, if the UPS DC Bus voltage has not risen above Vcharge, the 
Liebert FS will automatically transition into SHUTDOWN Mode.
5.3.9 FAULT Mode
The Liebert FS includes self-test and diagnostic circuitry such that most systems malfunctions can be 
identified. In case of a system malfunction, the Liebert FS will transition into FAULT mode.
While in FAULT mode, the Liebert FS is disabled—all power electronics are turned off. Most faults 
are cleared automatically by the system without the need for user intervention. Some faults do 
require user action to clear the fault or to notify Liebert Global Services. Refer to the 8.0 - Trouble-
shooting for more information).
The Liebert FS is programmed to operate in a variety of conditional modes. The modes and status for 
each mode will be indicated on the control panel. The Liebert FS is set up to transition through the 
various modes with no or minimal user intervention. Figure 53 illustrates the various modes of oper-
Depending on the nature of the fault, the Liebert FS may still be capable of supporting the UPS 
State of Charge < 0
State of Charge > 0