HP OpenVMS I64 FOE PPL Unltd Socket wo System LTU BA326AC Leaflet

Product codes
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Instant Capacity for Cell Boards with Memory provides a complete inactive cell board with inactive processor cores and inactive
memory. When processing capacity is needed, the usage rights for the cell board and all memory on the cell board are purchased,
allowing incorporation of the newly activated cell into the partition, without downtime if the conditions to use the HP-UX 11iv3
Dynamic nPar feature are met or at the next reboot.
Each active cell within a system requires at least one active core, so at minimum, the number of permanently active cores must equal
the number of active cells in the server. Therefore, activation of a cell board may or may not require activation of an additional
processor core.
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity
Instant Capacity for Cell Boards with Memory
DA - 11723   Worldwide — Version 20 — February 1, 2010
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