DELL S50V User Manual

Page of 1262
Configuration Replace and Rollback | 305
Figure 12-5.  Configuring FTOS to Rollback to a Previous Configuration
Figure 12-6.  Committing to an Archived Configuration
Configuring an Archive File Maximum
The maximum number of archive files is configurable between 2 and 15. Default maximum is 10. Use the 
 from ARCHIVE mode to configure this parameter, as shown in 
If you attempt to archive more configurations than the maximum allowed, the oldest archived 
configuration is deleted (
archived file is still incremented (up to 14, after which the numbering convention restarts at 0; if 
present, archive_0 is overwritten).
If you configure a maximum less than the number of archived files you already have, then archived 
files are deleted to satisfy the maximum.
Figure 12-7.  Configuring an Archive Maximum
FTOS#configure replace archive_0 time ?
<60-1800>               Time value (in seconds)
FTOS#configure replace archive_0 time 60
This will apply all nessesary additions and deletions
to replace the current running-config with the contents
of the specified configuration file,
which is assumed to be complete configuration,
not a partial configuration
Please confirm if you want to proceed [yes/no]:yes
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKSTART: start rollback to file flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_LOAD: Loading configuration file
3d4h45m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKCOMPLETE: completed rollback to flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
R1#Warning: time is expired before confirm. Replace with flash://CFGARCH_DIR/archive_1
FTOS#config replace archive_0 time 60
This will apply all nessesary additions and deletions
to replace the current running-config with the contents
of the specified configuration file,
which is assumed to be complete configuration,
not a partial configuration
Please confirm if you want to proceed [yes/no]:yes
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKSTART: start rollback to file flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %SYS-5-CONFIG_LOAD: Loading configuration file
3d5h26m: %RPM0-P:CP %CLI-6-RBACKCOMPLETE: completed rollback to flash:/CFGARCH_DIR/archive_0
R1#configure confirm
R1(conf-archive)#maximum 2
R1(conf-archive)#show config
 maximum 2