Avaya P130 SMON User Manual

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Avaya P130 SMON User Guide
Extended Port Statistics
SMON updates these pie charts in real-time according to the specified 
sampling interval. By viewing the relationships among these variables, 
you can learn a lot about the traffic on the port.
* Note:  If contact with the device is lost, then the graphs will display 
the last data received until communications are restored. 
Traffic Graph in the Extended Port Statistics Window
The lower portion of the Extended Port Statistics window is a traffic 
graph. The traffic graph displays selected variables as a line graph, in real-
time. To select a set of statistics to display:
1.  Select 
Actions >
ExtPort Counters
. The Extended Port Counters 
dialog box opens.
Table 5-2.  Extended Port Statistics - Packets Distribution 
Good Unicasts 
Pkts In
Displays the distribution of unicast packets entering the 
port. On most networks, the unicast packets should 
constitute the vast majority of the pie graph. If non-
unicast packets begin to increase, this indicates there 
may be a problem.
Good Bcasts/
Mcasts On 
Displays the distribution of non-unicast packets 
entering the port.
Bad In CRC Align
Displays the distribution of packets entering the port 
with a CRC Alignment error.
Bad In Undersize
Displays the distribution of undersize packets entering 
the port.
Bad In Oversize
Displays the distribution of oversize packets entering 
the port.
Bad In Fragments
Displays the distribution of fragmented packets 
entering the port.
Bad In Jabber
Displays the distribution of jabber packets entering the 