Lindy CPU IP Access Switch Plus User Manual

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Thank you for choosing the CPU 
IP Access Switch Plus from LINDY. 
This intelligent product delivers 
straightforward setup, secure operation 
and the ability to fully control one or 
more computers from almost anywhere.
Remote control via a network 
connection is nothing new and 
software-only solutions to facilitate this 
are commonplace. However, they all 
present two major drawbacks: a) Special 
software must be used on all of the 
computers involved, especially the host, 
and b) if that host ceases to operate, the 
remote user is powerless to intervene.
The CPU IP is different and requires 
only the remote system(s) to run a small 
utility. The host system can run its usual 
operating system completely unchanged 
and needs only to be connected (via its 
keyboard, video and mouse ports) to the 
compact CPU IP box. 
It is this external connection to the 
CPU IP that keeps the remote user in 
control. Even in the midst of a system 
crash, the remote user can still view the 
host’s condition as if sitting next to it. 
Additionally, when the power switch 
option is employed, a host system can be 
remotely rebooted, no matter how badly 
it has locked-up.
The CPU IP really starts to excel when 
it is hooked to a suitable KVM switch. 
Then its robust, secure and adaptable 
operation is available across a multitude 
of systems. 
Note: Throughout this manual the LINDY 
CPU IP Access Switch Plus is referred to 
simply as the CPU IP.
KVM switch
IP network/
Power switch
Modem or ISDN
Modem or ISDN
Access Switch Plus
One host or many
On its own, the CPU IP provides remote access 
to one host computer system. However, when 
linked to a suitable KVM switch, the remote 
user(s) can easily control a multitude of systems.
Optional power control
CPU IP provides the 
opportunity to attach one 
or more power switches. 
These control the supply 
to the host system(s) and 
allow the remote user to 
hard reset any system that 
has suffered a failure. 
IP network/Internet
The IP port allows direct 
connection to an Ethernet-based 
local network and from there 
onto the wider Internet, as 
Alternatively, the robust CPU IP 
security system will allow direct 
connection to the outside world.  
Local user
The console port allows 
control of the system(s) by 
a keyboard, video monitor 
and mouse connected 
directly to the CPU IP.    
Modem/ISDN port
This port offers a 
connection option that 
can be used alongside, 
or instead of, the IP 
network link. It also 
offers a backup route 
should the network fail. 
Four simultaneous remote users
CPU IP can support four remote users at any 
one time. All of these may be connected via 
the IP network port or one may be linked via 
the modem/ISDN channel.    
Main KVM connection