Billion Electric Company BiPAC 3100SN User Manual

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Bridge Mode
● Bridge Mode: Select Bridge Mode from the WDS Mode drop-down menu. In this case, AP 
will not send beacon out and deal with probe request packets
, so that wireless client will not be 
possible to connect with this device. The device can use complete bandwidth of WDS connection.
● Phy Mode: 
This field is available when 
Bridge Mode is selected. 
There are 4 options: CCK (11b 
mode), OFDM(11g mode), HTMIX (11b/g/n mode) and GREENFIELD (11n mode).
● AP MAC Address: These fields display in WDS Bridge and Repeater Mode. Enter the 
associated AP’s MAC Address(es) in these fields. Four MAC Adresses are allowed to be entered 
at one time. it is important that your peer’s AP must include your MAC address and all of the AP's 
channel must be the same in WDS to acknowledge and communicate with each other.
Note: Please note that the AP MAC address can not duplicate the AP Client
Repeater Mode
● Repeater Mode: Select Repeater Mode from the WDS Mode drop-down menu. In this case, 
The packets can be forwarded to other AP via WDS connections.  Here, AP
 functions similarly as 
that in Lazy Mode  except that it needs to input other AP MAC address(es). Four MAC Adresses 
are allowed to be entered at one time. The Repeater Mode can establish the connection with other 
AP(s), and the wireless client(s) can connect the device too.