Intermec PX4i User Manual

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EasyLAN Wireless Interface Kit Installation Instructions 
Chapter  — Setup in Fingerprint
rebooting the printer is the “ACTIVE” setting. Setting this to anything 
other than a “0” will cause the current settings to be activated. Reading 
the ACTIVE setting will indicate whether the current settings are being 
used or not. 0 indicates that the current settings are not active (changes 
have been made since startup or last non-zero setting of ACTIVE). 1 
indicates that the settings are being used. ACTIVE cannot be set to 0 
explicitly (but is implicitly set to 0 by changing another setting). Any 
changes made on the web page(s) will be activated when the user submits 
the form (given that the settings are correctly entered).
In Fingerprint, there are two sections with an “ACTIVE” setting: “wlan” 
for wireless LAN settings, and "8021x" for IEEE 802.1x settings. 
Setting ACTIVE to “1” in either section will cause the settings in both 
sections to become active - given that ACTIVE was "0" in both sections.
Both sections are controlled by the “setup wlan” 
SETUP "wlan","ACTIVE","1" 
activates the current settings in the 
“wlan” section and any changes made in the “8021x” section (forcing a 
SETUP "8021x","ACTIVE","1" 
activates the current settings in the 
“8021x” section and any changes made in the “wlan” section (forcing a 
SETUP GET/WRITE for “ACTIVE” will get 1 if the current settings 
are in use, 0 if a setting has been changed.