Raritan Computer SX8 User Manual

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F.  Select Requests to be Logged 
1.  Open IAS. 
2.  In the Console Tree, click on Remote Access Logging
3.  In the Details pane, right-click on Local File and select Properties
4.  Click on the Settings tab and select one or more check boxes for recording authentication and 
accounting requests in the IAS log files: 
a.  Click in the Log accounting requests check box to capture accounting requests and responses.  
b.  Click in the Log authentication requests check box to capture authentication requests, access-
accept packets, and access-reject packets.  
c.  Click in the Log periodic status check box to capture periodic status updates such as interim 
accounting packets.  
 It is suggested that you initially select the first two options. You can change the selections if needed to 
fit your requirements.  
 The Log authentication requests option can help by alerting you to problems with transaction volume 
and unauthorized attempts to access resources.  
 If you select Log periodic status, attributes are logged only if you have configured the Acct-Interim-
Interval attribute to generate the interim accounting requests.   
 To configure this attribute for remote access policies in IAS, do the following: 
- In the IAS console tree, click Remote Access Policies. 
- Right-click the policy for which interim accounting requests are to be generated and select Properties 
from the drop-down menu.  
- On the Settings tab, click Edit profile.  
- On the Advanced tab, click Add.  
- In the Add Attributes dialog box, select Acct-Interim-Interval and click on the [Add] button. 
- In the Attribute Information dialog box, type the interval for generating interim accounting requests in 
the Attribute value field, for example, type 600 to generate requests every 600 seconds (600 is the 
recommended value). 
G.  Configure Log File Properties 
1.  Open IAS.  
2.  In the Console Tree, click Remote Access Logging.  
3.  In the Details pane, right-click on Local File and select Properties from the drop-down menu.  
4.  Click on the Local File tab and select Database-import Format. To keep your log files in IAS format, 
click IAS format
5.  To open a new log file at specific intervals, select the interval you want to use:  
a.  To handle heavy transaction volume and logging activity, select Daily
b.  To handle lesser transaction volumes and logging activity, select Weekly or Monthly
c.  To store all transactions in one log file, select unlimited file size
d.  If you are unsure of the transaction volume, select when log file size reaches, then type a log size 
at which a new log should be opened. The default is 10 MB
6.  In Log file directory, enter the location where log files are to be stored. The default location is the 
system root  \system32\LogFiles folder.  
7.  Click on the [OK] button.