Intel 253668-032US User Manual

Page of 806
Vol. 3   6-25
IRET in IA-32e Mode 
In IA-32e mode, IRET executes with an 8-byte operand size. There is nothing that 
forces this requirement. The stack is formatted in such a way that for actions where 
IRET is required, the 8-byte IRET operand size works correctly. 
Because interrupt stack-frame pushes are always eight bytes in IA-32e mode, an 
IRET must pop eight byte items off the stack. This is accomplished by preceding the 
IRET with a 64-bit operand-size prefix. The size of the pop is determined by the 
address size of the instruction. The SS/ESP/RSP size adjustment is determined by 
the stack size.
IRET pops SS:RSP unconditionally off the interrupt stack frame only when it is 
executed in 64-bit mode. In compatibility mode, IRET pops SS:RSP off the stack only 
if there is a CPL change. This allows legacy applications to execute properly in 
compatibility mode when using the IRET instruction. 64-bit interrupt service routines 
that exit with an IRET unconditionally pop SS:RSP off of the interrupt stack frame, 
even if the target code segment is running in 64-bit mode or at CPL = 0. This is 
because the original interrupt always pushes SS:RSP.
In IA-32e mode, IRET is allowed to load a NULL SS under certain conditions. If the 
target mode is 64-bit mode and the target CPL <> 3, IRET allows SS to be loaded 
with a NULL selector. As part of the stack switch mechanism, an interrupt or excep-
tion sets the new SS to NULL, instead of fetching a new SS selector from the TSS and 
loading the corresponding descriptor from the GDT or LDT. The new SS selector is set 
to NULL in order to properly handle returns from subsequent nested far transfers. If 
the called procedure itself is interrupted, the NULL SS is pushed on the stack frame. 
On the subsequent IRET, the NULL SS on the stack acts as a flag to tell the processor 
not to load a new SS descriptor.
Stack Switching in IA-32e Mode 
The IA-32 architecture provides a mechanism to automatically switch stack frames in 
response to an interrupt. The 64-bit extensions of Intel 64 architecture implement a 
modified version of the legacy stack-switching mechanism and an alternative stack-
switching mechanism called the interrupt stack table (IST).
In IA-32 modes, the legacy IA-32 stack-switch mechanism is unchanged. In IA-32e 
mode, the legacy stack-switch mechanism is modified. When stacks are switched as 
part of a 64-bit mode privilege-level change (resulting from an interrupt), a new SS 
descriptor is not loaded. IA-32e mode loads only an inner-level RSP from the TSS. 
The new SS selector is forced to NULL and the SS selector’s RPL field is set to the new 
CPL. The new SS is set to NULL in order to handle nested far transfers (CALLF, INT, 
interrupts and exceptions). The old SS and RSP are saved on the new stack 
(Figure 6-8). On the subsequent IRET, the old SS is popped from the stack and 
loaded into the SS register.