OmniTek 2.3 User Manual

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OmniTek XR User Guide, Software Release 2.3 
Single – Grabs a single frame. Each time Grab is pressed, a new single image is 
grabbed, over writing the image previously grabbed. 
Repeated Frames – Grabs between 1 and 10 frames. Set the number of frames you 
wish to grab. If you select 3, press Grab three times and each time an image will be 
Sequence - Select a length for the sequence (the maximum length will be determined by 
the standard you are in, and the amount of RAM fitted on your system). When you press 
Grab, the unit will start recording a sequence of images of the selected duration. This 
sequence may later be saved as an .avi file.  
When you have finished grabbing your image(s), click OK. You will be returned to the 
standard OmniTek desktop, with your grabbed images loaded into the Generator window. 
Any images you wish to retain will need to be saved. This can be done by right clicking on 
an image/sequence, and selecting Save As
If your system includes the Advanced option, the dialogue will also offer the option to 
‘Record Full Frame’ When this option is checked, grabbing an image/sequence also 
grabs the ancillary data, including embedded audio, time code data, closed caption data 
etc, and all of this data will be stored along with the image data. If this control is not 
checked, then only the active portion of the video is grabbed. See below for more detail 
on full frame images.  
Full Frame Record/Playback (Advanced option only) 
The Advanced option for OmniTek XR provides the ability to record video, including full 
video raster, such that all embedded audio, ancillary data etc, is captured with the video 
data. It also enables playback of this data. 
Images and sequences grabbed as full raster are saved in the usual way but may only be 
saved to disk in *.rvf (raster video file) format. Sequences are saved as multiple .rvf files, 
all saved to the specified directory, with an incrementing number appended to the base 
file name that you specify.  
The RVF file format is an OmniTek file format that contains a header, followed by the raw 
data from the serial bitstream. No processing is done on the video before it is stored, so 
the original colour space is preserved intact. Details on the file format can be made 
available to any interested parties. 
It should be noted that images and sequences stored in RVF format can only be played in 
their native video format. No scaling can be applied. 
It should also be noted that the video data is not compressed in any way. This means that 
the RAM on the OmniTek card can hold fewer frames of RVF video than standard video. 
On the status line of the application, the number of free frames and number of frames 
used has been updated to contain two sets of numbers, separated by a '/' character. One 
number shows the number of standard video frames, whilst the other number shows the 
number of frames in RVF format. 
To load a RVF sequence for playback, simply select multiple rvf files with a contiguous, 
incrementing number in the filename. 
Important Note 
When playing RVF files, it is important to note that some of the video insertion modes are 
not compatible with the full raster playout.  
For example, if a clip is grabbed, including the embedded audio, video index information, 
VITC etc, then when the clip is replayed, you probably want this embedded data to be 
replayed with the video. But in case you don’t, we have provided a control on the Video: 
Generator page of the Engineering Settings control window.