Seagate Maxtor OneTouch III, Turbo Edition 1Tb STM310004OTDB06-RK User Manual

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November 2005
© 2005, Maxtor Inc.
simplicity in computing designs, originally with the 
iMac and then with the iPod line of audio players.  
The moral of the story was that robust technology 
could also be sexy. You don’t have to be ashamed  
and hide it under a desk. 
Storage industry pioneer Maxtor took all of these 
lessons to heart. Since 1982, Maxtor has consistently 
led the internal hard drive market with a mixture of 
innovation, durability, and performance. More recently, 
the company crafted the Maxtor OneTouch
of backup and storage solutions noted for mass  
consumer appeal, stability and front-running adoption 
of the industry’s latest storage features and  
technologies. Maxtor was the very first vendor to  
deliver external hard drive storage to the consumer 
market, and the Maxtor OneTouch backup solution 
remains the retail leader and obvious choice within  
the category for several reasons.
Put simply, Maxtor hit upon the “secret sauce” in 
backup and storage as no other manufacturer has 
been able to do: 
  Provide an incomparable balance of simplicity,  
   durability and functionality in a backup and storage  
   solution for the consumer mass market. 
  Integrate proven hardware and best-of-breed  
   backup software optimized for 24 x 7 dependability  
   and hands-off operation to create a seamless unique  
   user experience. 
  Blend 20 years of ingenuity with proven reliability. 
  Reduce the traditionally cumbersome system  
   backup process to one-touch simplicity via  
   a OneTouch button. 
  Understand and listen to customers to deliver  
   relevant and easy-to-use features and products  
   when they meet our enhanced customer experience  
  Design and develop sleek, tough enclosures that are  
   the envy of the desktop market. 
Put it all together and the Maxtor OneTouch family  
has emerged as the industry’s premier solution for 
protecting consumers’ data. Some might see this  
as a good time to kick back and coast. Maxtor instead 
decided to push the storage solution market even 
Nature follows one of two paths over time: evolution 
or extinction. While the Maxtor OneTouch II was busy 
collecting industry awards and satisfied users,  
competitors were busy trying to replicate Maxtor’s 
secret sauce. The company knew it was time to evolve 
the product line.
After two generations of success with an anodized 
aluminum enclosure, Maxtor wanted a bold  
departure that would provoke an even stronger  
emotional response from home and small business 
storage users. Emotional design? If this sounds  
a bit pretentious, think back to the last time you  
went car shopping. Red? Fast? Sport utility? Beefed  
up stereo? Our purchases are extensions of who we 
want to be. If a product doesn’t have emotional 
resonance with the buyer, then it’s likely to find itself 
keeping company with the expired coupons and dried-
up pens we all have in our dusty “someday” drawers.
Maxtor went to one of the best names in the field, 
frog design inc, to consult on its next-generation 
product. Companies like Microsoft, Yahoo!, Dell  
and Victoria’s Secret have benefited from frog’s  
expertise in helping companies expand and extend 
their products and services, creating compelling  
consumer experiences. And as the designer of the  
Disney PC and Apple IIc, frog is no stranger to  
computer hardware.
The New Envy of the Desktop!