Archos Media Player 704 Wifi 80GB 500933 User Manual

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bRoWSING tHE WEb   >   p. 34
brOwsIng The web
Your ARCHOS 704 WIFI features a Web browser that was designed especially for this ARCHOS 
device. It allows you to browse websites, use web-base e-mailing, download content, etc.
6.1  launChIng The web brOwser
From the Home Screen, tap on directly the 
If you are already connected to a network, the Web browser will simply open and you can start browsing the 
If WiFi is not enabled or if you are not connected to a network, the device will scan for available networks and 
connect to a known network or display the list of available networks so that you can connect to one of them.
Please note: not all wireless networks offer access to the Internet. Some WiFi networks only link several com-
puters together, without any Internet connection.
6.2  usIng The web brOwser
You can use the Web browser to read your Web-based e-mail, view Web sites, download documents from the 
Internet, etc.
The Web browser features ‘tabbed browsing’. You can open several pages at the same time: they will appear 
in the tabs area, in the upper left corner of the screen. When several pages are open, simply tap on a tab to 
access the page that you want. See next section.
You can use your stylus to scroll the current web page horizontally or vertically. To open a link, simply tap on 
If you display the image of your ARCHOS on the television set via the optional AV cable: use the   button on 
open a link, use the 
Cursor mode menu item (see next section).