DELL Version 5.3 User Manual

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Contacts | Key Portlets
• If none of the services associated with this customer have open, service affecting alarms, so 
alarms appear
User views the services impacted by a particular alarm:
• If the alarmed resource has at least one deployed service that depends on it, all deployed 
services depending on the alarmed resource appear.
• If the alarmed resource does not have any deployed services that depend on it, no services 
Deploying a service whose target resource has service affecting alarms:
• Before deploying, no alarms appear for the service. After deploying, all open, service affecting 
alarms for the target resource appear.
Undeploying a service whose target resource has service affecting alarms:
• Before undeploying, all open, service affecting alarms for the target resource should appear. 
After undeploying, no alarms appear.
Editing a deployed service to change the target from one resource to another:
• If the original resource has service affecting alarms but the new one does not, all open service 
affecting alarms for the original target resource should appear before the edit. After the edit, 
no alarms appear.
• If the original resource does not have service affecting alarms but the new one does, before 
editing, no alarms appear. After editing, all open service affecting alarms for the new target 
resource appear.
The contact portlet displays available 
contacts for your system. There is no 
expanded version of this portlet, but you can 
Ctrl+click to multi-select.
You can right-click to act on the the selected 
contact with the following menu items. 
New / Open —Displays the Contacts 
Editor, where you can create new 
contacts or alter existing ones.
Details—Displays a screen with contact-
associated alarms, and the information 
entered in Contacts Editor.
Visualize—Displays a mapping of the selected contact’s association to devices. See Chapter 7, 
Delete—Displays a mapping of the selected contact’s association to devices.